Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A Love Letter...

Dear AT&T:

Roses are red
Violets are blue
And your commercials suck.
Please stop.

Hugs and Kisses,

Friday, February 12, 2010

This is a Bl(fr)og

He says: Ribbit. rrrrRibbit. Ribbitt tt. rrrRibrrribbit. ttrrRibbitit.

Translation: Those Super Bowl commercials really did suck. FLY! *slurp* Lilly pads rock. If I were a human, I'd wear my pants on the ground, I don't see why that guy has such an issue with it, but I'm a frog. Why am I even wasting my time on this blog? Thanks for the promotion [z], but I don't really have anything to promote. I'm a frog.

Don't Need No Doctor,

Monday, February 8, 2010

That Really Big Football Game

Just as millions of critics across the country (some slightly more qualified than others) are surely breaking down Super Bowl ads today, I figured I'd jump on that bandwagon. But I'll keep it short and simple.

I was disappointed.

In today's culture, everything is about money, and because Doritos and Bud Light have millions of dollars just laying around, they can afford to buy 5 or 10 spots and produce extremely strange and mediocre ads. I mean really Bud Light? "Here We Go" is the best slogan you can come up with? Usually Bud Light has at least one good commercial that I can say that I enjoyed, but this year's batch really fell flat on its face. And Doritos? Nevermind, I don't want to waste brain cells even thinking about it.

And just because something works one time doesn't mean that it gives you a pass to just keep with that same exact concept until the cows come home. If you don't think so, try watching all of the Bring it On or Cruel Intentions movies. Come up with something else. I'm speaking mostly about e*trade, Denny's, Hyundai, TeleFlora, and that really stupid one with all of the chicks (and yes, I did just slam talking babies, free breakfast, and a sincere car commercial all in one sentence). It's just getting a little old.

I have a soft spot for classic ads from back in the day that get remade. I don't recall any from during the game, but I saw this one before the game, and I knew it was going to be my favorite. Sure it's a little exaggerated, but if you've seen the original, then it's probably okay with you.

Oh yea, and the game was pretty good, too.

Kick, Push,