Thank you for being my homepage and retrieving my e.mails for me. You randomly assign the 'junk' title to whatever sender you please, and always have a heartwarming or !!BREAKING NEWS!! story that was brought to the light 3 days prior.
My favorite part about the homepage with (alleged) news stories is the amount of sports blogs that are cited frequently. Don't get me wrong, every once and a while, there is something that is mildly to moderately interesting (i.e. the 'Silent Night' game), and once in a blue moon, there is something that is (and I hope you get the tongue-in-cheek point I'm about to make) THE MOST AWESOME THING EVER (i.e. the story about Mark Titus, who is now one of my favorite people (
HOWEVER. For the other 95% of the time, I'm stuck being drawn in to something that 'a blogger' (whomever that may be) calls 'the worst' or 'best' thing of the year. I understand that one person may believe that this or that is the best or worst thing of the year and that publishing a headline like 'Blake Griffin's dunk last night was alright' doesn't exactly draw the traffic, but let's be a little bit more honest and try to come up with some new words.
Since this probalistically isn't going to make it to Yahoo (I actually hope it does now), I'm going to start making posts of the best and worst things I can think of, also in hopes that my hyperbolous and outlandish statements will one day grace the front page of Yahoo, if only for a second.
The best direct statement of the year: "Hey. I like your beard." Not from Ke$ha, but from a girl in a bar who actually liked my beard. Mind you, this was before Ke$ha was even on the map. In retrospect, I should have pursued conversation with this girl. She very well may have been Ke$ha herself, and that line in that song may very well have sprung from that night. Yea. That's my story.
Check back another time (when Michigan will still suck) for more bests and worsts according to an over-opinionated blogger (yes, I know that was redundant).
The 'F*ck You' Remix,