I've always been a fan of parody ads and logos. This is one of mine.

That's it for now. There's no need for everything in my head and on my computer to all come spilling out on the first post. That would get messy.
But while you're (still) reading this, let me just say, however you came across this blog, I hope you will continue to return to it. I'll try to make it worth your while, whether you're procrastinating, or you're bored, or you're actually interested, or you're my teacher who told me to do this, or you want to laugh, or you want to cry, or you want to tell me how unclever and uncreative I am, or you're a really cute girl and you want my number, or any other possible reason that you can come up with. But seriuosly, thanks for reading.
Throw Some D's,